traces its origins to the ritual dances performed in the temples of
ancient northern India. Today the name Odissi refers to the dance style
of the state of Orissa in eastern India. Like other classical arts of
India, this ancient dance style had suffered a decline as temples and
artists lost the patronage of feudal rulers and princely states, and
by the 1930s and 40s, there were very few surviving practitioners of
the art.
The current form
of Odissi is the product of a 20th century revival. Dedicated scholars
and dance enthusiasts carefully researched manuscripts and studied the
sculpture, painting and poetry of the region. They also met and observed
the performances of the few existing performers, in order to revive
and restructure Odissi as a unique classical dance style adapted to
the requirements of formal stage presentation. Over the years Odissi
has become one of the most popular classical dance styles.
Like other Indian
classical dance forms, Odissi has two major facets: Nritta or non-representational
dance, in which ornamental patterns are created using body movements
in space and time; and Abhinaya, or stylized mime in which symbolic
hand gestures and facial expressions are used to interpret a story or
The divine love
tales of Radha and the cowherd God Krishna are favourite themes for
interpretation, and a typical recital of Odissi will contain at least
one or two ashtapadis (poem of eight couplets) from Jayadeva's Gita
Govindam, which describes in exquisite Sanskrit poetry the complex relationship
between Radha and her Lord.
The technique of
Odissi includes repeated use of the tribhangi, or thrice deflected posture,
in which the body is bent in three places, approximating the shape of
a helix. This posture and the characteristic shifting of the torso from
side to side, make Odissi a difficult style to execute. When mastered,
it is the epitome of fluid grace and has a distinctively lyrical quality
that is very appealing.