1st venture in 1998 - "Atma -Mukti", the yogic path to self-realization. According to Yoga, the ultimate aim of the individual soul is to unite with the cosmic soul. The ancient Indian sages devised various methods to achieve this. An individual can choose any path and attain liberation. Concept
and script: Bijoylaxmi Hota
According to the ancient Indian philosophy, Tantra, a great potential energy lies dormant in the human body.This energy, when released gives tremendous power to the individual. The manifest energy is named after Gods and Goddesses while in the dormant state, it is Kundalini. Vishwasya Beejam presents the essence of Kundalini Tantra. Concept
and script: Bijoylaxmi Hota Reela's long association with great spiritual Masters gave her a deeper insight into life,art,culture,customs and traditions which culminated in her the desire to present spiritual philosophy through her dance and add a new dimension to it. 3rd venture in 2005: EK LAKSHYA, CHATURPATHA"
BijoyLaxmi Hota |
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& text © REELA HOTA