Dakshina has lived all of her sixteen
years with dance, intensely enjoying every moment of it. A brilliant
student of Delhi Public School R.K.Puram, she has represented her school
for several dance festivals, not only in Delhi but also to Kyrgysthan
andRussia. Right from the age of four she has traveled the country participating
in her grandmother, Guru Saroja Vaidyanathan's dance productions. As
an eight year old she danced with her mother, Rama Vaidyanathan at the
Snow Festival in Japan.
Dakshina is also a debator and an avid
speaker. In 2000 she represented her school during the Millenium Children's
Festival in New Zealand. There at the World's Children's Parliament,
she spoke about children's rights in India. Dakshina loves music and
swimming. She has participated in and won competitions in both for her
school. She writes poetry in her free time.
Dance however has remained her serious passion.